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Career Contessa's Best Resources for the Coronavirus

With Coronavirus and COVID-19, we are living in unprecedented times both personally and professionally. We've created a resource hub to help you manage your career, money, and team during this time.

We are living in unprecedented times, both personally and professionally. With lots of anxiety and uncertainty in the air, it’s more important than ever to find ways to stay grounded, focused and productive. 
Thankfully, as a Career Contessa reader, you’ve been doing this hard work all along! To help you out, we’ve pulled some of our best and most relevant content into one place to be available at your fingertips. We’ve also hopped to it to make sure timely topics and resources like our webinars (our entire library is free right now!), special edition podcasts, and more have pivoted to help you when you need it most. 
Take a look at our roundup below, and return as our coronavirus-combatting resources keep growing. Whether you’re working from home or hard at work keeping things together, we’ve got you covered. Share this article link with colleagues and friends to help us create rising tides! 

General Resources

Many employees are finding themselves with a lot of extra (quiet) time on their hands. Turn your distracted free-time into a healthy and productive opportunity to enhance your existing expertise! The tools below highlight a plethora of resources including many online courses and webinar replays (currently free!), to tips on coping with honest conversations and the flood of everyday news hitting your feeds. 

Gig Economy + Freelance

Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or new to the gig economy, many employees are turning to part-time and contract opportunities to supplement, or perhaps replace their existing work. If you've been a part of layoffs, furloughs and recommended shut-downs in a variety of industries, these resources will help keep you motivated when working for yourself. 

Productivity + Team Management

One of the trickiest parts of working from home is finding a sense of normalcy and decorum. Whereas you once only saw your coworkers at the office in their business casual best, you may now be seeing a lot more family, pets and athleisurewear on all of those video conference meetings. Tune in to make sure you keep up healthy boundaries, communicate clearly and manage effectively—while remote. 


One of the most challenging parts of transitioning to a daily home-office routine is managing your work while also managing your kids. Below are some guides to help you and your family both be productive while hustling from your living room. 

Work from home (WFH)

Those who are less experienced with the WFH lifestyle may have visions of typing away in their PJs, doing whatever they want and leading a relaxed day-to-day. The reality of employment outside of the office is that you may actually be tuned-in and online more than your average in-office worker. Check out these guides to build real structure into your remote workday, and create healthy habits in the process. 
Money. We hate talking about it, but we are all a little worried about it. Here, we've collected some of our best financial advice, as well as future tips on planning finances for an upcoming recession. 

Job Search

Many workers have had altered employment due to the COVID-19 social distancing requirements. Whether you're newly on the job hunt or looking to shift into a new career space, below are some of our most helpful guides to keep your search organized, efficient and effective. 
With all of the news floating around, it can be hard to stay positive and motivated. We found some helpful tips to keep you feeling inspired and on top of your self-care game. 


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