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Episode 50: How to Find Joy at Work (Even on Bad Days) with Daisy Auger-Domínguez

Posts Tagged:
written communication


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    275 Resume Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Pop

    Use action verbs to dazzle any recruiter. Make sure your resume is alive with action verbs. Here is a list of active verbs to let your resume jump, rattle, and shake (in a good way!).

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    Work Culture
    How to Text Your Boss When You Can't Come In

    You're sick, your car is in the shop, or you're dealing with a family emergency. Whatever the reason, here's how to appropriately text your boss when you can't come in.

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    Cover Letters, Job Search Strategies, Resumes
    5 Ways to Show Emotional Intelligence on Your Resume

    Emotional intelligence is important—especially in the workplace. But how do we show our EQ in a resume or cover letter? Here's how to showcase your emotional intelligence when job searching.

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    14 Must-See Resume Trends + How They Affect Your Job Search

    When you think of trends, you probably don't think of resume trends. However, the important elements of resumes change from time to time. Find out what your resume needs.

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    Cover Letters, Job Search Strategies, Resumes
    How to Create the Perfect Writing Sample to Get the Job (+ 28 Writing Prompts)

    All the writing you need to do in order to get hired can feel daunting if you're not a seasoned writer. Here is how to write a compelling writing sample.

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    Career Transitions
    How to Write the Goodbye Email to Your Coworkers

    From your work BFF to the coworker you don't particularly like, here's how to pen your goodbye emails to your soon-to-be ex-coworkers.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    Here’s the Way to Organize Internal Comms When You’re Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

    Suddenly responsible for keeping everyone on the same page in a crisis? Use this guide to calm the fire drills (and your stress level).

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    Career Development, Hard Skills
    How to Improve Your Writing Skills: 21 Writing Tips for Everyone

    How can you improve your writing skills? Whether you're looking to write more confident emails or to improve your blog writing skills, here are 21 writing tips for anyone.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture, Working From Home
    Why the 4-Day Work Week Works Better

    Everybody is talking about the advantages of the four-day work week, but can it actually work? Also, the 100-year-old reason that we work 40 hour, 5-day work weeks might make you laugh.

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    Cover Letters, Interview Questions, Job Search Strategies, Networking, Resumes
    25+ Tips For Getting a Job After College

    Well, I just finished college. Now, I need to find my first job for my post-college life. Here's how I'm conducting my post-graduation job search.