Episode 50: How to Find Joy at Work (Even on Bad Days) with Daisy Auger-Domínguez
Posts Tagged:
Routines + Productivity
Why We're Starting a Worry Journal to Worry Less
How do you reduce the time you spend worrying? Start a worry journal, put your worries on paper, and leave them there. Here's how a worry journal works.
Routines + Productivity
How to Stop Overthinking: 10 Healthy Tips
Does overthinking take over your entire work day? Does overthinking keep you awake long past your bedtime and awaken your deepest work insecurities? Here's how to stop overthinking.
Goal-Setting, Workplace Toxicity
What is High-Functioning Anxiety? 3 Ways Your Anxiety is Working Against Your Goals
Is your anxiety undermining you at work without your knowing? Here's how to recognize and combat anxiety at work.
Working Parents
8 Things Workin' Moms Got Right About Working Mothers
If you're a working mom who laugh-cries at the CBC show Workin' Moms, this is for you. Let's talk about what they got right.
Soft Skills
How to Manage Anger + Frustration at Work
We might not plan to get red-hot angry at work, but it happens. Here's how to control or refocus your anger at work instead of going all Queen of Hearts.
Routines + Productivity
Avoidance Coping: Is It Okay to Escape Through Work?
When things are stressful, do you make sure to work even harder? Avoidance coping is a coping mechanism used by many, but is it healthy for you?
Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Routines + Productivity, Working From Home
100 Days of Self-Care: Why I’m Doing It + Why You Should, Too
Follow along with one writer’s journey as she tackles work, life, and everything in between through 100 days of self-care.
Cultivating Confidence
I Quit My Job and Moved to Hawaii
When my job and life weren't working for me, I decided to move to Hawaii, and here's what happened.
Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
How to Advocate for Yourself (Even When it Terrifies You)
Speaking up can be terrifying, especially in a professional setting. Learn how to advocate for yourself at work, even when it may seem too daunting to do.
Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Professional Development
Allicia Washington-White On How Writing Can Reduce Stress + Manage Emotions
Writing can be deeply therapeutic. This week, Allicia Washington-White reveals how writing helps her to cope with stress and manage emotions.