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Episode 50: How to Find Joy at Work (Even on Bad Days) with Daisy Auger-Domínguez

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    Managing Your Money, Professional Development
    Top 8 Ways to Spend Your Professional Development Perk This Year

    Online learning is becoming increasingly accessible to everyone. Here’s some “distance learning” you might actually enjoy.

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    Gender Talk, Goal-Setting
    11 Encouraging Statistics on Women in the Workplace

    We know there's still a gender pay gap, that there are still unshattered glass ceilings, and that there is work to be done. Let's take a minute to celebrate the progress we have made—with some hopeful statistics about powerful women in the workplace!


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    Jessica Beth Levine, USC Marshall Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship, Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab, Program Director

    Turns out a successful career in education means making room for chocolate croissants.

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    An Interview With Heather Dupont de Rivaltz on Working at London School of Business

    Soon after arriving London, Heather received a new career opportunity at the London Business School. Here's how she did it.

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    Education, Technology
    An Interview With Meg Evans, Social Innovation Manager at Udemy

    Meg Evans, 26, is now one of a number of modern day gals who has successfully turned her passion into a career.

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    An Interview With Jennie Kim, Program Manager at Udacity

    Today, Jennie is a program manager at Udacity, a for-profit educational organization, where she works to bring free online education to the masses.

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    An Interview With Carly Faegler-Zuffinetti, Specialized Academic Instructor at Escondido Union School District

    Working as a specialized academic instructor, Carly, 33, helps to ensure that students who face language struggles, socioeconomic difficulties and other learning barriers are receiving the best public education possible.

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    Gloria Feldt, Take the Lead Movement, No Excuses, Co-founder & Director, Author

    Gloria Feldt, motivational speaker extraordinaire, had her own way of bursting into the professional world.

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    An Interview With Christine Hassler, Author of 20-Something, 20-Everything

    How this renowned life coach and author transformed her life and found success.