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One Trick to Improve Focus: Write It Down

Here's how to turn your stressors into a plan of action.

Struggling to keep the 10,000 things on your plate in an organized and manageable fashion so you can tackle them efficiently?
While all of your tasks are swirling around your head, it’s hard to visualize a realistic plan of attack to complete them.
The single best solution? Write them down—on paper.
Research shows that when we're overwhelmed, the simple act of writing out our to-dos alleviates most of our anxiety even before we've started, or finished, the tasks. Writing them down frees your mind from trying to remember them, giving you more head space for the job at hand. Plus, we actually remember things better when we write them in our own hand so skip the Google doc. 
Even utilizing the small things, like sticky notes, can help to structure the millions of thoughts running through your head. 
The act of keeping a planner, a notepad, or a whiteboard with your running to-dos holds you more accountable and serves as visual motivation to complete those tasks and errands. It also improves your memory when there’s a visual checklist, often serving as a way to organize your responsibilities in order of importance.
When and where to write things down are two important questions to ask after you’ve committed to tackling your errands in the form of a visual checklist. Keeping a planner is the most organized way to track your schedule, but there are other simpler ways to execute this trick to improve focus. Even utilizing the small things, like sticky notes, can help to structure the millions of thoughts running through your head. Rather than your errands swallowing you whole, your checklist puts you back in charge of your day.


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