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Everything You Need To Know About Salary, Negotiation, and Budgeting

Here's a roundup of our top resources for negotiating your salary, planning a budget, managing your debt, and more money matters.

Negotiating your salary, planning a budget, setting aside emergency savings...Oh my.
Career Contessa has been writing articles about everything career-related for years now, so we figured we'd round up some of the best advice on our popular topics—like, how to manage your debt financially and emotionally. We know you love round-ups, so here is some of our favorite content around money, money, and (you guessed it) more money.
Use it to learn what salary you deserve, what salary other women are making (ahem, The Salary Project™) and how to approach your boss about increasing your own salary.
Whew, let's dive in!


Everybody loves the opportunity to negotiate their salary, right? Well, sort of. Here's how to make sure you don't drop the ball on negotiating the salary that's right for you in your next job interview. 

Real Salaries (We Swear!) 

The Salary Project™ is our database of over 30,000 real salaries. If you're looking to research your salary in a different location or how it stacks up in a different industry, check it out. 
Money, money, money. There are so many complicated questions about building finances and making smart financial decisions. We have been lucky enough to team up with real financial experts to get the low-down on some of our most pressing money questions. 
  • The Salary Project™ Through anonymous interviews with real women, we've assessed salaries in different cities, different industries, and even gone in-depth with women about their career trajectories. 
  • Money Talks: Our series, in partnership with Holberg Financial, will help you deal with basic (yet oh so complicated) money issues like getting out of debt and building emergency savings.
  • AICPA x Career Contessa: We spoke with real Certified Public Accountants to find out how to budget, how to build financial forecasts, and to clarify (once and for all) the difference between an accountant and a CPA. 

The Femails Podcast On All Things Money 

Speaking of experts, we've had a few in the recording booth of The Femails. This is some of the best money advice we have. Give these money episodes a listen today. 


Asking your boss for a salary raise can be a nerve-wracking event, but we have all the resources to help you ask for the salary you deserve. 


You've got that salary, now what do you do with your paycheck? Here are our favorite resources on budgeting, investing, paying off debt, and saving for the future you. 


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