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How to Make Room for Travel in Your Entry-Level Budget

You don't need to make six figures to go on a six-figure vacation.

You just landed an awesome job, and it’s everything you’ve wished for!
But what about time for vacations? Do you even have enough money for it? IS it even possible? The answer is: of course, it’s possible. Saving up for a trip while trying to juggle paying bills, paying for gas, and paying for food may seem like a difficult task. However, even if your salary is only entry-level, here are some tips and tricks for planning a vacation without breaking the bank.

First off, Time, Time and…Oh, Time

Even the most spontaneous person needs to plan a date for when they want to go on a trip. It’s important to give yourself enough time to save up if you want to plan a successful, yet affordable vacation. Although you may still be bundled up in a cozy sweater and boots, it doesn’t hurt to start daydreaming about warmer days at the beach. Start planning now!

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

What better way to not spend all your savings than to put it aside in a different account? Once it’s out of sight, you won’t be as tempted to spend it. So, open up a savings account specifically for your vacation. You can also talk to your bank about their automatic transfer service so a certain amount can be transferred into your savings account every time you get paid. Once you have a goal to set aside money for a certain destination, it will be easier to manage your money without putting a dent in your wallet.

Pro tip: There are also apps that help you automate savings for vacation budgets like Qapital and Digit. We rounded up our favorite personal finance apps right here.

Make a List (And Check it Twice)

By writing down a list of everything you will be spending on your trip, it can help you to budget up until the date. With plane tickets, hotel accommodations, transportation services, and of course, food and entertainment, it’s a good idea to have at least a rough estimate of how much you will be spending. This way, you won’t be caught off guard when the time rolls around. Then, total up all of the costs and divide them by the number of weeks until your planned trip to see how much you need to save each week!

Cut Back on Unnecessary Spending

Since cutting back on caffeine is definitely not the answer (and no one should suffer through that withdrawal), cut back on your entertainment and shopping sprees every month! Sure those shoes are cute, and maybe that coat is a must-have, but do you really need it? Make note of all of your expenditures each month, and you will most likely have enough money for that long-awaited trip to Bora Bora.

Save That New Restaurant for a Rainy Day

It might be easier to pick up food on the way home after a long day at work, but dining out adds up. An easy way to avoid this is to go out and buy groceries and start meal prepping at the beginning of the week. This way, you won’t have to worry about spending all your savings on food, and it could even be fun to try out a new dish or two! It may be tempting to check out that new restaurant that just opened up by your house, but it will be worth it once you are lounging on the beaches of Hawaii with a cocktail in hand, or walking the streets of a new city with your budget-friendly self.

Get Rid of Closet Clutter

We all have that brand new pair of jeans that we promised ourselves we’ll wear “one day.” Why not just sell them to someone who actually will? A timeless way to earn quick and easy money is to sell old clothes to your local thrift store. My Sister’s Closet and Buffalo Exchange are awesome stores that will take your gently used clothes for a price. Or, if you’re more of a digital age type hustler, you can try Poshmark. Voila! Now you have a lighter closet and some extra bucks!

The Power of Online Deals

If they aren’t already, deals and discounts should be your best friends. You can save a huge amount of money just by surfing the web for flights, hotels, or package deals. Travelzoo, Jetsetter, and Groupon are great websites to search for discounts on vacations and things to do in that city. If you are looking for package deals, Travelocity and Expedia are always go-tos for planning a trip.

With these tips in mind and a positive mentality, you’ll be on a plane over the Caribbean in no time! Remember, the earlier you start planning and saving up, the easier it will be to reach your destination!

This piece was written by Shawna Truong, Bloguette’s Editorial Intern. Are you an entry-level worker yourself? How do you plan for summer travel?


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