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6 Types of Mantras You Need (+ How to Write Them)

It might feel weird (or even wrong) to say beautiful things to yourself, but you should. Here are six types of mantras you should write and why.

Who needs a mantra?
Well, probably all of us—at one point or another. 
If the word alone, “mantra”, fills you with the dread associated with all things “woo-woo”, you’re not alone. Mantras might sound a little cheesy, but they can be seriously helpful. 
Mantras can even act as a sort of “safe phrase” for yourself when you’re encountering moments of heightened anxiety. Mantras can serve as little allies (made entirely of words) to pull you out of your own head.

Table of Contents

What is a Mantra?

The word mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words, 
  • manas meaning mind 
  • tra meaning tool
Mantras originated in Hinduism and Buddhism. Only Brahmin priests were considered worthy enough to chant the sacred mantras for years. However, upon the birth of the Hindu schools of Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra, and Bhakti mantras became part of the general practice of the Hindu religion.
When Buddhism arose in India, it also adopted the practice of mantras. They are, by definition, a word, words, or a sound repeated to aid in concentration or meditation. A more “modernized” definition of a mantra is a statement or a slogan repeated frequently. 
A mantra, when used correctly, can serve to create a layer of protection around your mind and body. Who doesn’t need a little extra armor from time to time? 
We have explored the idea of creating a career mantra in the past as a means to solidify your personal brand. Recently, we looked back at the career mantras we created and we found that they still serve us. 
So, why not create little mantras for different circumstances? When you’re lying in bed, unable to sleep, worrying about that thing you said to your 6th-grade teacher twenty years ago, what if there was a small set of words that could cool you off a bit, to bring you back to reality?
That’s why we decided to take a few circumstances or aspects of our lives that can be quite stressful and create some mantras to handle them.

How to Write a Career Mantra 

Pardon us while we repeat some advice we have given in the past. The career mantra is a great way to solidify what your career is made of, what values are important to you, and what your superpowers are when it comes to skills and strengths. 
To create your own career mantra, follow these three steps. 
  • Consider Your Values 
  • Ask What Problems You Can Solve 
  • Make it Actionable
Lastly, the career mantra, much like a company’s slogan, is going to be short and succinct—we’re talking three to four words long. 
To gather some mantra ideas (+ to create your own career mantra) read even more in our article, This is Why You Should Write a Career Mantra

How to Write a Sleep Mantra 

You’ve completed your nightly routine. You washed your face, you flossed and brushed your teeth, you slipped into your coziest pair of pajamas, and you even left your phone (and its REM-killing blue light) in the kitchen for the night. 
You’re all ready to catch some ZZZs. That’s when every unwelcome negative thought, memory, or experience you’ve ever had enters your head. 
Instead of watching the minutes stick by while you recreate *that one mistake* you made three years ago, let’s try to slip back into relaxation. Creating a sleep mantra is not a cure-all, unfortunately. Some nights are sleepless for a variety of reasons. However, a sleep mantra can serve as a cooling mechanism for the more nefarious thoughts that enter your head. 
Like, when was the last time I went to the dermatologist? What did my boss mean when they simply replied “k” to my email? Am I getting fired tomorrow? I am totally getting fired tomorrow. 
Your sleep mantra is a simple, affirmative statement to bring you out of pre-sleep nightmares and back to your body. 
Example Mantras for Sleep and Rest: 
  • I am grateful for this place to rest. 
  • There is nothing for me to do right now. 
  • My body is calm + peaceful. 
  • Let it be. 
  • I am still. 

How to Write a Relationship Mantra

Relationships shouldn’t always be tough. If a particular relationship in your life is a consistent drain or stressor, you might want to reconsider the value it brings, if any. This, unfortunately, is true of romantic relationships, friendships, and even familial relationships. 
However, if you’re simply navigating a hiccup or a rough spot, you can create an overall mantra that applies to all relationships.
Example Mantras for Relationships: 
  • Nobody is perfect. 
  • Are we listening or waiting to speak?
  • This is why I love [NAME]
  • I am worthy of love and respect. 
Due to the, err, potential adversarial nature of needing a relationship mantra, you can choose to repeat it within your own head or aloud—and work together. 
Most importantly, your relationship mantra should serve you above all else. If you suspect you are in an abusive (emotionally, mentally, or physical) relationship, a mantra should not be used to justify that behavior. If you believe that you are in a dangerous relationship, here are some resources for you. 

How to Write a Confidence Mantra

This is likely the closest to your classic mantra. The confidence mantra is the word, sound, or phrase that is going to remind you of a few things. 
The confidence mantra is going to remind you that you deserve to be where you are, that you’re actually incredible, that you’re powerful, and that you matter. Period. 
The confidence mantra might also be the toughest one to write. We are pretty conditioned to be more comfortable with negative self-speak, self-deprecation, and a whole lot of humility. Your confidence mantra is going to be the exact opposite of all of that. 
So, the way we are going to write our confidence mantra is by looking outwards, then reflecting that back in. Stick with us. 
  • Identify your confidence role model. 
  • What words do you associate with this role model?
  • Apply those words to yourself when face with a challenge. 
For example, a confidence role model I look to is Rihanna. When I think of Rihanna, a few really powerful descriptors come to mind—unapologetic, fearless, unstoppable, and authentic. I could go on. 
Step three is the toughest part. How can I apply these to myself? Well, it’s in admitting that Rihanna is my confidence role model because I must see a little but of myself in her, right? I hope so! 
So, by that logic, I am also unapologetic, fearless, unstoppable, and authentic. Try it out. 
Example Mantras for Confidence:
  • I am fearless. 
  • Yes, I can.
  • I will. 
  • I am able. 

How to Write a Mantra About the Past 

The past is tricky because it’s sticky. 
Our own past can teach us a lot about ourselves, especially in relation to why we are wherever we are. However, there is a ton of evidence that past performance does not necessarily equal future success. Yes, it was a huge “Aha! moment” for me, too. 
If you think about that, you can really let go of a lot of BS that lurks in your literal shadow. 
Example Mantras for the Past:
  • My past doesn’t define me. 
  • That is behind me.
  • I am here right now. 
  • I am grateful to be where I am. 
Say goodbye to parts of your past that do not serve you and look instead to the future, which brings us to our final (and most exciting?) mantra yet!

How to Write a Mantra for the Future 

This is potentially the most exciting mantra. 
When I went through a particularly rough patch in my life, a friend of mine bought me a card that said, “This is the beginning of anything you want.” 
At that moment, it became my mantra. It was true. It was a bright way to reframe an otherwise difficult and directionless time. If you can look towards the future as a place for opportunity, without too many expectations, you can enjoy the present and open yourself up to the future. 
Example Mantras for the Future 
  • This is the beginning of _______.
  • Tomorrow holds an opportunity. 
  • What I do today enhances tomorrow.


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